Student Leadership
Students have the opportunity to apply for and serve in several grade level leadership organizations.
LIGHT – Leaders Inspiring Godly Habits Together (Grade 6)
Students have the opportunity to go through the admission process and become a member of LIGHT where they spend their time serving both within the walls of Logos Prep and out in the community.
CREW – Christians Ready Equipped and Willing (Grades 7-8)
A step further in practicing initiative is the application and interview process to become a member of CREW, the junior high leadership team. Members serve Logos Prep in various capacities, including Back-to-School Blast, Parent Information Meetings, Primary Pizza Days, and campus Bible studies where they lead their peers in lessons that they themselves have prepared. Crew focuses on self-advocacy skills and responsibility when working with faculty sponsors and members of the community and helps students build the foundation for leading like Jesus.
SALT – Student Activities Leadership Team (Grades 9-12)
Students interested in serving as a leader or an officer in a high school organization must join SALT, a student leadership training program, where students focus on biblical leadership and discipleship. The program examines the life of Jesus and how he modeled true servant leadership and teaches what that type of leadership should look like at Logos Prep.
NHS – National Honor Society (Grades 9-12)
More than just an honor roll, National Honor Society recognizes those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Students may also lead by serving as elected officers in NHS.