Portrait of a Graduate
Logos Preparatory Academy has framed a vision for our school defining what skills, traits, and abilities that our students must possess to succeed in the 21st century. In addition to rigorous academic content, they must also seek God’s purpose for their life, use His wisdom to think critically, listen openly and communicate effectively, and interact positively with others from different backgrounds, beliefs, and mindsets as a positive community builder.
This vision articulates our aspirations for all students in transforming our classrooms, schools, and community.
- One who desires to find God’s purpose for his/her life and demonstrates a willingness to walk in that purpose
- One who lives with hope in the work of God and demonstrates a growing trust in His sovereignty
- One who purposefully seeks new information to expand his/her knowledge base and uses that information to impact the world
- One who can adapt his/her thinking in ways that allow for open discussion, intellectual pursuit, and lifelong learning
- One who can utilize Biblical truth and spiritual wisdom to make decisions in daily life
- One who can think critically about the world and work creatively to solve problems that bring about positive change
- One who pursues the facts that underlie truth and is able to recognize truth from lies
- One who influences others by demonstrating servant leadership in all walks of life
- One who can defend his/her faith in an ever-changing culture, with both resilience and conviction
- One who compassionately cares about the spiritual condition and growth of others
- One who can communicate his/her thoughts and ideas with oral and written skills that are appropriate for post-secondary life
- One who values the free exchange of ideas and demonstrates the ability to listen openly to those who may not agree with him/her
- One who values relationships as the foundation of community life
- One who sees his/her role in society as an opportunity to serve others
- One who has the ability to interact positively with others from different backgrounds, beliefs and mindsets